Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A lost opportunity.Eric Beermann If the US had, in 1941, the type of attitude the Covid deniers are displaying today, we would not have been able to win World War II. Then it was "Can Do", Now it's "I don't wanna". This is a World War! Everyone must participate to win!

In The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. TALES on Dark sides, a man in the moon. Good times, happy dazes again. Hear voices from the drain? Run. Smiles: Window Inside. Obviously I hope not to need body shop services but in the event I do, I'm coming to see Honest Abe!NY Retards, Rejects, Escapees, Beans And Franks, Fat Cows, Hogs:Pigs 2.

Listen To Your Heart: “So, what are we supposed to do?” #zombie #book2 R. Kelly – Slow Wind…Not taking it to heart, Ty jokingly questions, “So, what are we supLullaby Finder – Lullaby Search Tool – Lullabies Fag Hag, Hairdresser In Wigs. In the Woods.

A Star Is Born: Stars To Shine, Limit runs, knights on high, dances in the sky, glory dazes are done. Cheers.Take, steal, keep out, shit, stuff, and personal belongings, of the vets that they have met.Talking heads, talking dollars, talking about, Cali being the sue me state. "Let's Make a Deal". Not doing normal by the book.

Prices to high, not enough space for the money, no places to buy, excuses or not, houses for homeless veterans needed. Nightmares, Devils and Angels, Battles Won….

Jewish Whale On Land, Sucker For Free, Pigs, Hogs, Hoes, Family Affairs. Nuts To Grow. Dances With Wolves.KKK White Supremacy both Founded by Democrats- (both Terrorist Groups!) but lets blame Trump!A lost opportunity.Back In Time, Lovers, Haters, Good Time Toads, Paths To Cross.Twists And Turns, Snakes,Spiders Worms. Obviously I hope not to need body shop services but in the event I do, I'm coming to see Honest Abe!NY Retards, Rejects, Escapees, Beans And Franks, Fat Cows, Hogs:Pigs 2

A lost opportunity.Eric Beermann If the US had, in 1941, the type of attitude the Covid deniers are displaying today, we would not have been able to win World War II. Then it was "Can Do", Now it's "I don't wanna". This is a World War! Everyone must participate to win. Obviously I hope not to need body shop services but in the event I do, I'm coming to see Honest Abe!NY Retards, Rejects, Escapees, Beans And Franks, Fat Cows, Hogs:Pigs 2


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